Imphal gets a first-of-its-kind Trendy Co-working Café for your Endless Innovation
HUSH.IMPHAL, located at Kwakeithel Leimakhujam Leikai, is the only existing co-working initiative in Imphal. Its chic design adds life to the workspaces, encouraging productivity and steady flow of creative juices.

Hello Manipur! Imphal gets a first-of-its-kind Trendy Co-working Café for your Endless Innovation
A comfortable and tranquil work environment is something we all crave - a place where our work could be done seamlessly. With schools and colleges being shut on account of the ongoing pandemic, working from home has proven to be too much of a hassle for the residents of Manipur. Physical specimens of documents are not always obtainable at home, as most of us do not own a printing device. To address these pressing needs and with a twist of their own, a working café - amongst the first-of-its-kind in Imphal, was launched on the 31st of January, 2021.
Founders (from L to R) - Dinendra Paonam, Vishal Aribam, Dearson Morong Tontang, Roger Konjengbam and Albert Gurumayum
Founded by a 5-member team -- Dinendra Paonam, Vishal Aribam, Dearson Morong Tontang, Roger Konjengbam and Albert Gurumayum -- with diverse background, ranging from development professionals, engineers to data science enthusiasts; the café, named HUSH.IMPHAL, located at Kwakeithel Leimakhujam Leikai, is the only existing co-working initiative in Imphal. Its chic design adds life to the workspaces, encouraging productivity and steady flow of creative juices.
Besides the provision of free WIFI along with complimentary beverages, the café also provides free printing for its denizens, without burning a hole in the pockets. Hush.Imphal has laid out cost-effective plans to meet your different needs, starting as low as Rs. 129 per day for 6 hours, and only Rs. 99 for students.
There’s Quick Desk, Designated Weekly and Monthly Plans, Private Cabin, Customised Office, and a Virtual Office slot to work hassle-free.
Equipped with ergonomic furniture, the co-working café provides a place for the residents of Imphal to dedicate themselves to their craft peacefully by allocating their private working desk, without the disturbances often faced at home.
As companies adopt a 'Work from Home' policy in light of the pandemic, Hush.Imphal not only addresses the need for a quiet workspace but also provides a unique opportunity for freelancers and entrepreneurs to meet, plan for collaboration and bounce ideas off of one another. The work café also comes with a Conference Bay area, designed for organizations to hold conferences, schedule meetings, or interviews as per their needs.
Although primarily designed as a working café, Hush Imphal also suits the needs of students preparing for a competitive exam, or research scholars to work on their research proposals or their pending research work. Hush.Imphal, in essence, fills an important vacuum of creating a culture of co-working among the residents of the state, and ensuring a tranquil work environment to fulfill passions and business dreams.
For more details on pricing, contact here
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